Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Women's Ministry at FBC, Huntsville

I've been interested in and felt called to women's ministry for many years. God fills my head with these ideas and dreams and, you know how it is, it becomes a drive and a passion that won't leave me alone! So I'm blessed that FBC has welcomed me with open arms and that this is an area where I can easily fit in and fill a need.

So here's what God and I have talking about lately:

Women are hurting today. While we are never UN-available, we are terribly lonely. We have a phone on our hip at all times. We give everyone all of our numbers, our kid's cell numbers and our husband's cell number - "Just in case you can't reach me on mine." We text, we email, we blog, tog, and pog. Yet women today are the loneliest in history. Because while we are taking part in mass-communications, we aren't connecting with other women the way we need to in order to fulfill our need for relationships. God made us this way, so let's celebrate it!

My dream is to create a place here at FBC where women can come to have fun, build relationships, grow in Christ, and then reach out to others to offer them the same benefits. I really believe that this is a great way to bring new people into "the fold". This is the perfect opportunity to offer activities to the community, bringing women in for fun and activities and showing them a loving place where they can feel they belong. (This is apropos for members and for non-members.) When they feel that they have a place to belong and invest themselves, then I feel that they will be encouraged to reach out to other women and to the Savior. Delving into Bible study, to missions and to other people comes naturally to women who have a purpose.

But it's not all fun and games, ladies. I am charging you to reach out to as many women as possible in the next months. We're going to offer plenty of opportunities to invite them, but it's up to YOU to do it! And you'll want to. My prayer is that you will be so excited about what's going on here for you that you won't be able to shut up about it!! You'll be thrilled to invite everyone that you see to join us for what God is doing at FBC!!

I really believe that God is going to show up for us, girls. His charge to us is to ask believing, and then to step out of the boat. Well, we're stepping. Link arms with me and your team of leaders, put a smile on your face, and spring out of that boat with pumps on!! Girlfriend, we're in for a ride! I'm glad you're coming along.