Friday, November 14, 2008

Compassion Unveiled

2 Corinthians 1:3- Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God."

When I was growing up in the small town of Edgewood, I had a complete family. My parents were still together at that time, and I have a younger sister and brother. One set of grandparents lived close by and the other set lived only an hour away. Aunts and uncles, and lots of cousins did as well. We were all together.

Both of my grandmothers were, or are, strong Christian women. Their faith has been lived out loud. Their faithfulness to serve was strongly evident to me as I grew. My Nannie, who is my mom’s mother, was a pastor’s wife and I saw her teach Sunday School, play the organ, minister to the women of the church even before there were “Women’s Ministries,” she supported my Papa, and she loved much. I still remember vividly the trip home after church as Nannie and Papa talked amongst themselves about who was there, who was not, who needed prayer or a visit, who they laughed with and who they cried with. She gave her heart in extreme love to everyone she knew, and she still does.

In the summers, I would spend a week with my Grandmother, my dad’s mother. She was a seamstress, and displayed her beautiful talent to me in her service to the community. She loved her Sunday School Class and was dedicated to the women who attended with her, and to the women on the block, whom I became close to through her. She was also very dedicated to her family and to her faith.

In high school, I met a friend through the high school band. We became close friends fast. She was fun to be with, and her family was also very close and they were open to accepting me into the fold. They were also very active in their church, were fine musicians and a very loving family. They quickly became very important to me, and still are.

Especially Grannie. She is the matriarch of the family. Her family loves her because she demonstrates her love for them in such a constant and unconditional way. Her Bible knowledge is extensive and her faith in God, infectious. When Grannie prays for you, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the heavens are in tune. She demonstrates power and extreme grace in her faith. She taught me much and I long for her touch and her presence even now as we are miles apart.

Yet, even tho the miles are many, the closeness in our faith is still insurmountable. When she needs me, God puts her burden on my heart, and the opposite is true. When I need encouragement or intervention, she is who I call.

I have had many fine examples of faith to pattern my life after, thankfully. The older women in my life have been my mentors and they took the role seriously, obeying the call from God to raise up a child, to encourage, teach, and to comfort.

In the coming months here at FBC, the Women’s Ministry will be implementing a Mentoring Program. This is a passion of mine, because I have seen too many women suffer through life’s ups and downs with no compassion or help from her peers, and I’ve even been one myself. This is an abomination in the eyes of God. Please be in prayer about your part in this important aspect of our Women’s Ministry. God wants to use us to minister to other women, I’m assured of that, and it’s a calling that we cannot run from.

Be watching for more information to come on training and planning for this new Mentoring Program. But mostly, I want YOUR name on the list of prospects for “mentor” or “mentoree.” My passion is that every woman with a need will have someone to walk through it with her, and that every woman who has walked through a storm and received the comfort from God through it, will offer her compassionate support to others. We never walk alone, God is always with us. I’m calling you to be “God with skin on” to someone who needs you.

Let’s pray: Thank you, Father God, for Your perfect will, for Your perfect example of love and compassion in Jesus, and for Your call to the women at First Baptist Church, Huntsville. Fill us with that love as women and cause us to spread that love to others in our church and in the community. Allow us to offer comfort to the hurting, compassion to the troubled, and safety to the battered of heart.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

God's Getting Better

A little girl was sitting on her grandfather's lap as he read her a bedtime story. From time to time, she would take her eyes off the book and reach up to touch his wrinkled cheek. She was alternately stroking her own cheek, then his again.

Finally she spoke up, "Grandpa, did God make you?"
"Yes, sweetheart," he answered, "God made me a long time ago."
"Oh," she paused, "Grandpa, did God make me too?"
"Yes, indeed, honey," he said, "God made you just a little while ago."
Feeling their respective faces again, she observed, "God's getting better at it, isn't he ?"

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our First Women's Ministry Meeting

Thank you Barbara Skeeters, Heddi Bonham, Judy Bolander, Rebecca Lewis, and Judy Beene for your attendance, commitment, and participation in Friday night's meeting. We were able to discuss a lot of issues, including what we see the Women's Ministry being, where we would like to see it going, who we'd like to see participate in the leadership team, who we'd like to reach, and what activities we would like to see happen in the future. It was a great beginning, ladies. Thank you.

I look forward to the next meeting on Nov. 14th at 5:30 and to the activities that will begin in January. Please call me at 936-661-2345 if you would like to take part in the leadership team.

Some positions that we will see filled are:

Bible Study Coordinator-Ramona
Finance Coordinator
Hospitality Coordinator - Beverly Harrell
Decorations Chairman - Beverly Harrell
Child Care Coordinator
Prayer Coordinator
Missions Liaison - Rebecca Lewis
Special Events Coordinator - Lynette Amick
Publicity Chair - Lynette Amick

Each team leader will have a team of volunteers under her, so there's plenty of room for you! Please pray about where God wants your involvement.

I spoke with author-speaker Mary Southerland last week and she said that the more women who are involved in the leadership team, the bigger the ministry will grow, and the bigger the church will grow. This is an outstanding opportunity for us to reach out to the community and to bring needy people to the face of God. Please help me take advantage of it.

If you are not able to take part physically, then please consider being a part of the prayer team. This team will cover every meeting and activity in prayer beforehand and during. I need your prayers even now. If you are able and willing to commit to this, please call me at 661-2345.

Ladies, please pass the word on this issue. I'd like for everyone to tell at least one person today about the new opportunities that have arisen, about the Ministry Team and the activities to come. Then continue to talk about it! Then wait and see what the Lord will do.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Dog Named Mace

There was once a man who owned a dog named Mace. The man kept the dog at his machine shop inside a fenced yard. However, the dog kept eating the grass, which infuriated the man. He began to keep the dog inside to keep him from eating all of his grass, so the grass got overgrown. One day, the man was working outside in the yard and he dropped his wrench. It began to get dark and he couldn't find the wrench to save his life, so he gave up and went home.

That night, Mace got out and went into the yard and ate all of the grass. When the man got back in the morning, he was initially very upset over his grass being gone and the dog being out. But then he found his wrench, at which he proclaimed, "Amazing Mace! How sweet the hound who found a wrench for me!"

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I Want to Be Like My Puppy

I thought you might like to meet my puppy, Zhu Zhu. He's a Lhasa Apso, is very loyal, spoiled rotten, and sometimes hard to live with. But such a blessing!

I'm amazed at the total dependence this puppy has on me. He depends on me and my boys depend on me - and that's a joy. The boys are old enough now to be able to do many things for themselves. Shayne is 15 and Josh is 12, so they can fix themselves a meal at night while I'm teaching. Shayne's a good driver! (Yikes!) And they can make many of their own decisions and I encourage that. So, while they are still very dependent on me, they do have a modicum of independence, which is good.

As parents, it's what we're supposed to do, isn't it? We are supposed to teach our children to be independent and how to make good decisions, how to live on their own and to treat others with respect, how to raise a family and take care of it. However, we are also supposed to teach them to "trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding," (Prov. 3:5) because when we're in the midst of the hard times and we don't know why, we need someone else to lean on.

But my poor little puppy is not the same. While he is pretty old - at least a teenager in puppy years - he is still unable to open the door to freedom to go potty. Unable to feed himself because he can't reach the food on top of the dryer. He's unable to turn the faucet on in order to pour water into his bowl. He is completely dependent on me. And if I'm not there to take care of his needs, he's in big trouble and may have to resort to unacceptable behavior, just because his needs are not being met with the frequency that he requires.

I am much like my boys. And much like my puppy. I am able to make my own decisions, and certainly able to take care of my physical needs. I can feed myself, water myself, and open the door to freedom! While I have every oppotunity available to take care of myself, there are times when I feel more like my puppy than like my boys. I feel completely dependent on my Father for care.

Except that sometimes I forget to go to Him. While He waits for me to come to His study, I stay in my room worrying, crying, complaining, and all the while, the answer is just a few feet away. Just a few beautiful, tortured, scarred feet away.

"Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest." (Matt. 11:28) Rest. That also means peace.

God takes responsibility for feeding the sparrow and for clothing the earth in beauty, and we are more precious to Him than the sparrow. Why do we make do with the mundane things of this earth, when our heavenly Father has made a place for us at His table, along with all the others that He holds so highly? We are seated at the right hand of God (Eph. 2:6). Why do we accept a lesser place?

Our Father loves us dearly. He proved that by giving His only Son, Jesus, to die as the ultimate and final sacrifice for our sins, assuring us a place in eternal glory when we accept His grace, His forgiveness, and His Son, Jesus. Glory to God that He has made this salvation available to us.

We must rest assured that He loves us and that He wants the very best for us. We must accept the peace that comes with the knowledge that God is seeing to our every need. I want to be dependent on Him. I want my Abba to take care of me. And I want to rest at the beautiful feet of Jesus while He does it.

Let's pray: Father. Abba. I love You. Forgive me for the times when I've ignored Your calling to trust You. I need no other solution but to trust that You will fulfill my every, single need. Thank you for Your provision and that You know my need even before I do. What a burden is lifted when I am resolute before You, ready for answers, expecting them and receiving ...peace. I come dependent before You. Dependent on Your grace, on Your provision, and on Your love.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Women's Ministry at FBC, Huntsville

I've been interested in and felt called to women's ministry for many years. God fills my head with these ideas and dreams and, you know how it is, it becomes a drive and a passion that won't leave me alone! So I'm blessed that FBC has welcomed me with open arms and that this is an area where I can easily fit in and fill a need.

So here's what God and I have talking about lately:

Women are hurting today. While we are never UN-available, we are terribly lonely. We have a phone on our hip at all times. We give everyone all of our numbers, our kid's cell numbers and our husband's cell number - "Just in case you can't reach me on mine." We text, we email, we blog, tog, and pog. Yet women today are the loneliest in history. Because while we are taking part in mass-communications, we aren't connecting with other women the way we need to in order to fulfill our need for relationships. God made us this way, so let's celebrate it!

My dream is to create a place here at FBC where women can come to have fun, build relationships, grow in Christ, and then reach out to others to offer them the same benefits. I really believe that this is a great way to bring new people into "the fold". This is the perfect opportunity to offer activities to the community, bringing women in for fun and activities and showing them a loving place where they can feel they belong. (This is apropos for members and for non-members.) When they feel that they have a place to belong and invest themselves, then I feel that they will be encouraged to reach out to other women and to the Savior. Delving into Bible study, to missions and to other people comes naturally to women who have a purpose.

But it's not all fun and games, ladies. I am charging you to reach out to as many women as possible in the next months. We're going to offer plenty of opportunities to invite them, but it's up to YOU to do it! And you'll want to. My prayer is that you will be so excited about what's going on here for you that you won't be able to shut up about it!! You'll be thrilled to invite everyone that you see to join us for what God is doing at FBC!!

I really believe that God is going to show up for us, girls. His charge to us is to ask believing, and then to step out of the boat. Well, we're stepping. Link arms with me and your team of leaders, put a smile on your face, and spring out of that boat with pumps on!! Girlfriend, we're in for a ride! I'm glad you're coming along.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Listen. I'm a big movie-goer and there are some great movies out there right now. I'm so proud that Hollywood has finally realized that there is a demographic for wholesome, family oriented movies and that they are producing movies that are worth the visit to the local theater.

I'm so excited about seeing "Billy: The Early Years." Billy Graham is someone that my Papa and Nannie really looked up to and they are the ones who introduced him to me. This movie looks very entertaining and moving. God has really blessed this man's life and ministry. It's definitely one that I'm going to see.

Last weekend my girlfriend and I went to see "The Secret Life of Bees." I had watched some clips of this movie as well and it has an outstanding cast and a beautiful plot line. I love Dakota Fanning, and it's neat to see her growing up. This is another movie that is going to win a bunch of awards, I guar-on-tee (as Debbie's dad used to say.) The movie made me laugh out loud and cry-yes, out loud. Total embarrassment. It was just soooooooo gooooooood!! I highly recommend this movie. Beware though, there are a few bad words. The father is a very sad man and that sadness makes him a bad man.

My friend saw "Fireproof" last weekend and said that it really was good. This is a movie dedicated to helping save marriages in today's world, and I really appreciate and respect the effort. We all know Kirk Cameron from "Growing Pains" and the "Left Behind" series, and we all know his dedication to telling others about the word of God and bringing them to know Him. I'd like to support anyone with such a task as this, especially where he is. This is REALLY a mission field, Hollywood. I'm sure that he would appreciate our prayers and support for him.

I want to encourage each of you to support these films, giving Hollywood the message that we are out here, that we care, and that we want quality in our entertainment!